Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Michael Cera as Nick, I don't think so!

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
183 pages
But it @ book depository

It all starts when Nick asks Norah to be his girlfriend for five minutes. He only needs five minutes to avoid his ex-girlfriend, who’s just walked in to his band’s show. With a new guy. And then, with one kiss, Nick and Norah are off on an adventure set against the backdrop of New York City—and smack in the middle of all the joy, anxiety, confusion, and excitement of a first date.

This he said/she said romance told by YA stars Rachel Cohn and David Levithan is a sexy, funny roller coaster of a story about one date over one very long night, with two teenagers, both recovering from broken hearts, who are just trying to figure out who they want to be—and where the next great band is playing.

Told in alternating chapters, teeming with music references, humor, angst, and endearing side characters, this is a love story you’ll wish were your very own. Working together for the first time, Rachel Cohn and David Levithan have combined forces to create a book that is sure to grab readers of all ages and never let them go.

Review: I love David & Rachel together. I have read another of their books they wrote together 'Dash & Lily's book of dares' which was amazing and so was this. They know what teenagers sound like, they bring their characters to life in such a short story. Nick is a bit of a hopeless romantic, he makes mix tapes and is sexy without knowing it. While Norah is a bit wild, she's willing to hang out with a guy she barely knows. 

I watched the movie a long time ago so I couldn't really decide whether the movie was like the book or not. I just hopped onto Nick & Norah's exciting ride and let everything go. Nick & Norah feel like life is there's for the taking and they feel invincible because they're at that perfect teen age. 

The story moved along at a quick pace with a back and forth between Nick & Norah's point of views. One chapter will be from Nick's and the next will be from Norah's and so on. I love these sorts of novels because I love to get inside the other character's head to find out what they were thinking during a certain situation. David & Rachel due this so well!

I did notice that there was a lot of swearing, and when I mean a lot, I mean A LOT! And it was the bad 'f' word so this might not be a good one for the younger teen readers.

I thoroughly enjoyed this and can't wait to watch the movie again to see what differences there are. I recommend this for anyone who loves music and reminiscing about what it was like to be a reckless teenager.

On the cover: This is the movie cover, which I seem to always get instead of the normal cover. After reading this I did not picture Michael Cera playing Nick. Nick sounds sexy, while Michael Cera is not!

What I'm reading next: Spellbound by Rachel Hawkins 

Have you seen the movie or read the book? Which one do you like better?


1 comment:

  1. I'll have to read this book! (I didn't actually know it was a book haha!) I like the concept of the movie but like you, I'm not the biggest Michael Cera fan.


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